Washington Amateur Communications
Affiliated Club Special Services Club

Because of our activity in promoting Amateur Radio, including conducting classes, public demonstrations, emergency preparedness and training, studying technical advancements in radio and mentoring of new and soon-to-be hams, WACOM has earned the designation of Special Service Club from the ARRL.

WACOM Constitution and By-Laws (2017)

     - WACOM membership follows the calendar year (January 1st - December 31st) and is open to anyone.
     - Annual Dues:
          $20 for individuals
          $10 for each additional family member
     - Download WACOM Membership Form
     - Download ARRL Membership Form (Send check & completed form to club treasurer)
     - Questions? Contact the WACOM club treasurer.

Pay Club Dues, Christmas Party Fee, etc. with PayPal

  • Option #1: Login to PayPal and send payment to wa3compayment@gmail.com.
  • Option #2: Go to paypal.me/wa3com and click "Send".
  • In the "What's this payment for?" field include your name, callsign, and payment details (club dues, Christmas party, etc.).
  • Select "Friends and Family" when you send the payment to save us the fees.
  • We'll email you back to confirm receipt of your payment and update the club roster accordingly.

Membership Meeting
     - 7:30PM, First Thursday of every month
     - See Events page for details

Board of Directors Meeting
     - 7PM, Last Thursday of every month
     - See Events page for details

Mailing Address
     PO Box 381
     Washington, PA 15301


Club Officers
     President: Joe Caldwell, N3XE; joe@n3xe.com
     VP: Patrick Degnan, KB3TFN; pdegnan@gmail.com
     Secretary: George Brecosky, KC3TBI; gbrecosky@gmail.com
     Treasurer: Kay Briggs, KC3HBO; glock4kay@gmail.com

Board of Directors
     Director: Dennis Presky, K3PSP; dpresky@mra1.com
     Director: Bill Steffey, NY9H; ny9h@arrl.net
     Director: Mark Donoghue, KC3STZ; jmark.donoghue@verizon.net

     Patrick Degnan, KB3TFN; pdegnan@gmail.com

VE Liaison
     Joe Caldwell, N3XE; joe@n3xe.com

     Joe Caldwell, N3XE; joe@n3xe.com

Active Club Roster (As of May 8, 2024)


Other Clubs in Western Pennsylvania

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